Glasnevin Village Residents Association Newsletter – 2021

Dear Residents
Glasnevin Village Residents Association summer newsletter has been delivered to most homes in the village. If you have not received a copy, we attach soft copy below. 
We are currently drafting a Local Area Plan to present to Dublin City Council. We are seeking someone with photography skills who may be able to assist us in adding to this plan with local photography. Please contact if you can help out on this. 
St Mobhi Boithrin remains closed, and we have again placed this matter on the agenda of the Central Area Committee meeting, I attach the reply below. We would encourage you to contact your local representatives regarding this matter. 
Glasnevin Village Clean-up continue to do great work in the village and if you wish to join the WhatsApp group, the link is in the newsletter. We hope to have new high viz jackets shortly. So, if you can make it tomorrow and enjoy an outdoor coffee in the Tolka House after, we would love to see you there. 
Finally, if anyone would like to offer their DIY skills in putting together leaf mulch wire cages to collect autumnal leaves, we would like to hear from you. 
GVRA Committee