Christmas greetings from Glasnevin Village Residents Association

Dear Residents

Glasnevin Village Residents Association wish you and all your families a very happy Christmas. We are mindful of the difficult year that many of you may have experienced due to the effects of Covid 19 and hope that 2021 brings hope and positivity.

We are delighted to announce that Glasnevin Village won 1st prize in the Dublin City Neighbourhood awards as best newcomer in Dublin Central. That is a fitting acknowledgement for all the efforts of  the committee, the Cleanup team and residents in general. Many thanks for all your hard work.

We are pleased that our on-going efforts have led to improvements in the village, such as Glasnevin Clean-up team, (thanks Lisa for co-ordinating this), container planting, clean-up of Tolka River, painting of some street lamp poles,  and clean-up of Denis Mahony site. We have established links with our local representatives, local businesses and issued a newsletter in October. We also have ordered some litter bins and wire leaf mulch cages which are due shortly. We have engaged with the NTA re BusConnects and DCC regarding parking issues.

We were delighted to collaborate with the Staff at the National Botanic Gardens for the erection of some Christmas trees in the village which are very festive. Make sure to visit if you have not seen them.

Please note that Sanderly Holdings Ltd have issued their intent to apply to An Bord Pleanala for permission for a strategic housing development on the site of 54 Glasnevin Hill Dublin 9. This site has previously been granted planning permission and has now proposed an increase in the size and height of the development. This will have a significant impact upon the area and the local residents.  Details are on the site notice and documentation, maps and photomontages/drawings are available on  Observations must be submitted to An Bord Pleanala in the next 5 weeks. We contacted ABA requesting an extension, due to the Covid restrictions but they replied noting that An Bord Pleanála is bound by the legislation regarding the timelines.

In the meantime, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and every good wish for 2021 from all of the committee.

GVRA Committee