Glasnevin Village Residents Association, Newsletter – 2020

Please click link GVRA Newsletter 2020 (1) to view/download the Glasnevin Village Residents Association, Newsletter – 2020

We are delighted to attach a copy of our 2020 newsletter, which sets out the various activities we have been involved in over the course of the past number of months. We have hard copies of the newsletter, so if you or anyone you know would like a copy, please let us know. Our contact details are set out on the last page of the newsletter.
We want to bring to your attention that the National Transport Authority has started the third round public consultation in relation to BusConnects. See
The principal changes since the second round are:
  •  while not finally decided, they envisage the Bus Gate at the northern end of Saint Mobhi Road operating on a 24 hour basis, meaning that no cars (other than for local access) would be allowed to drive north on Saint Mobhi Road
  •  two of the three legs of the triangle at the top of Saint Mobhi Road will have one lane going in the opposite direction to the current situation. Cars coming southbound down Saint Mobhi Road will not be permitted to turn left onto Griffith Avenue; instead, this traffic will go to the right of the triangle, use the new lanes, and then go straight through the Griffith Avenue/Saint Mobhi Road junction
  •  traffic will not be allowed to exit Saint Mobhi Drive at the Saint Mobhi Road end
  • Members of your committee met with NTA representatives, via zoom, on 11 November. We made a number of points to them for their consideration, including:
  • balancing the need for a 24 hour Bus Gate with the fact that, for much of the day, the traffic going north on Saint Mobhi Road is relatively light and that there is significant activity outside the two schools on the old Finglas Road in the morning and afternoon
  • reviewing the situation outside the Bon Secours entrance, likely to be exacerbated when the apartments on the old Denis Mahony site are complete – its exit is opposite the Bon Secours exit. The NTA indicated that they may look to put traffic lights here
  •  the need for an appropriate speed limit and traffic calming measures on Glasnevin Hill, Saint Mobhi Drive and Botanic Avenue
  •  considering the traffic light sequence at Fagan’s, to try and reduce the tailback along Botanic Avenue into the Village in the morning
We encourage everyone to consider the proposals and, if you wish to do so, make a submission to the NTA.
GVRA Committee